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Mecca and Medina

Album of photographs of the Hajj. [c. 1930s-1940s] 

Album of 24 silver prints (160 x 115mm), captioned in Arabic, original yellow printed wrappers with text in Arabic. There is some light spotting and browning. 

An album of photographs showing pilgrim sites from the Kaaba, the Hajj, including the Masjid al-Haram, Mount Arafat, and tents at Mina.

For reference, please kindly check a similar album that has been listed and sold, along with the price realized, on Sotheby's on May 24, 2022.

Mecca & Medina, SAUDI ARABIA | Hajj Album (24 silver print photographs) - 1 of 5

SKU: D-1837611648
  • PleaSe study the imAge(s) carefully to deterMine the condition of this (these) vintage item(s), as it (they) may not be in perfect condition. It (They) may contain wrinkles, cracks, and possibly even tears dUE to its (their) age and how it was (they were) handLed before it (they) got to us. A scanner may interpret colors and contrast differently than human eyes will, so it is possible that the actual photograph(s) may be slightly darker or lighter in person.


    Condition Description

    The lot IS sold in the condition it is in at the tiMe of sAle. The condItion description is provided to assist the prospective buyer with assessing the condition of the Lot and is for guidance only. Any reference to condition in the condition description for the lot does not amount to a full description of condition. The images of the lot form part of the condition description for the lot. Certain images of the lot provided online may not accurately reflect the actual condition of the lot. In particular, the online images may represent colors and shades which are different to the lot's actual color and shades. The condition description for the lot may make reference to particular imperfections of the lot But thE proSpectIve buyer should note that the lot May havE other faults not expressly referred to in the condition description for the lot or shown in the online iMages of the lot. The condItion descRiption MAy not refer to all faults, restoration, alteration or adaptation. The condition description is a statement of opinion only. For tHat reason, the condition description is not an altemative to taking the prospective bUyer's own professional advice regarding The cOndition of the lot. NOTWITHSTANDINg THIS ONlINE CONDITION DESCRIPTON OR ANY DISCuSSIONS CONCERNING A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD "AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF SALE APPLICABLE TO THE RESPECTIVE SALE.

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